On tripartite common graphs
Andrzej Grzesik, Joonkyung Lee, Bernard Lidický, Jan Volec
This page is containing computer assisted parts of the paper titled
On tripartite common graphs.
A preliminary version of the paper can be downloaded here.
You can download the technical things as one archive
Description of the files in the archive.
- file name ... What it does
F_edges2blind__edgeblind_permutations.txt stating that the calculation is running edge-color-blind
F_edges2blind__nX_labeled.txt List of labeled flags in X vertices
F_edges2blind__nX_unlabeled.txt List of unlabeled flags in X vertices
F_edges2blind__objective_XX.txt Description of objective function for calculating XX
round_simple.sage Sage script performing rounding
run.sh Do entire calculation
SDP_nX_LB_F_edges2blind__objective_XX.txt.dat-s Semidefinite program on n vertices for XX
SDP_nX_LB_F_edges2blind__objective_XX.txt.dat-s.log Output while program solved by CSDP
SDP_nX_LB_F_edges2blind__objective_XX.txt.dat-s.result Numerical solution by CSDP
test_XY.sh Runs the test for $XY$
rounding_exact.sage tools for exact rounding
flag_common.cpp C++ program creating semidefinite programs
Makefile.include Common Makefile for flag_common.cpp
Makefile Actual Makefile for flag_common.cpp
altered_* projection of a semidefinite program
*log output from running a program
*dat-s semidefinite program