Complete Programming Quest 10

Worth +6 to Complete Programming skill.

In a sentence (at least a properly formatted sentence) there may be parentheses (these things) that present extra information (and don't forget that (sometimes) it is useful to have parentheses inside of parentheses).

Task: Create C a program parens that reads lines of text from standard in (use parens.c as a starting point). As part of the code, there should be a method called parenthesize(char* s) that first prints the string s (with a newline at the end) and then identifies all substrings inside one level of parentheses. It then calls parenthesize on these substrings.

Example Input:

This is just a line.
This is (a bit) more than a line.
Sometimes (such as (now)) there can (may) be multiple (many (many (many))) parentheses.

Example Output:

This is just a line.
This is (a bit) more than a line.
a bit
Sometimes (such as (now)) there can (may) be multiple (many (many (many))) parentheses.
such as (now)
many (many (many))
many (many)