MATH 412 - Graph Theory
Spring 2013
Books on reserve
The midterm exams will be from 6-8pm on the following Fridays in Altgeld 145:
- Exam 1: February 22.
- Exam 2: March 29.
- Exam 3: April 26.
- Exam 4: (Make-Up) Week of April 29-31.
Exam advice
Advice on writing homework solutions
Collaborative Study Sessions
The collaborative study sessions are times where students can meet to discuss homework problems.
Students are expected to perform serious attempts to all problems before coming to problem session.
Scheduled for 5-6pm on Tuesdays, in Altgeld 145.
Topics Discussed
Below are the lecture-by-lecture topics. See this list of definitions you should know to be sure you are up-to-date on the course.
- 01/14 - 1.1: What is a graph? Graphs as Models.
- 01/16 - 1.1: More Graphs as Models. Matrices and Isomorphism. Common graphs.
- 01/18 - 1.1: Decompositions of Graphs, The Petersen Graph. 1.2: Strong induction, walks and paths, connected graphs.
- 01/23 - 1.2: Characterization of Bipartite Graphs.
- 01/25 - 1.2: Decomposing Complete Graphs into Bipartite Graphs, Eulerian Circuits.
- 01/28 - 1.3: Degree-Sum Formula, Hypercubes, Extremal results.
- 01/30 - 1.3: Optimization, Mantel's Theorem, Degree Sequences, Havel-Hakimi Theorem.
- 02/01 - 1.4: Directed graphs, Eulerian digraphs, deBruijn Cycles.
- 02/04 - 1.4: Tournaments and kings. 2.1: Trees, characterization of trees, spanning trees.
- 02/06 - 2.1: Spanning trees, distance, distance measures of trees.
- 02/08 - 2.2: Counting spanning trees, contractions, statement of Matrix Tree Theorem.
- 02/11 - 2.2: Proof of Matrix Tree Theorem. Graceful Tree Conjecture.
- 02/13 - 2.3: Minimum-weight spanning trees, Kruskal's algorithm, Shortest paths, Dijkstra's algorithm.
- 02/15 - 2.3: Proof of Dijkstra's Algorithm, Breadth-First-Search, Trees in Computer Science, Huffman's Algorithm.
- 02/18 - 3.1: Matchings, $M$-Augmenting Paths, Hall's Theorem, $k$-regular bipartite graphs have perfect matchings.
- 02/20 - 3.1: Vertex Covers, König-Egerváry Theorem, Weak/Strong Duality, Independence number, Edge-covers.
- 02/22 - 3.2: Augmenting Paths Algorithm, Hungarian Algorithm. Hungarian Algorithm Video, Hungarian Algorithm Example
- 02/25 - 3.2: Correctness of Hungarian Algorithm, Stable Matchings.
- 02/27 - 3.3: Factors, Tutte's Theorem, Berge-Tutte Formula.
- 03/01 - 3.3: Petersen's Theorem and 2-factors. 4.1: Connectivity and Edge-connectivity.
- 03/04 - 4.1: Connectivity, relations with edge-connectivity, bounds on edge cuts, blocks.
- 03/06 - 4.2: Building $k$-connected graphs from other graphs, expansion lemma, subdivisions, ear decompositions, statement of Menger's Theorem.
- 03/08 - 4.2: Menger's Theorem and variants, Dirac's Fan Lemma.
- 03/11 - 4.3: Flow problems. $f$-Aumenting Paths, Max-Flow/Min-Cut.
- 03/13 - 4.3: The Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm and proof of Max-Flow/Min-Cut.
- 03/15 - 5.1: Vertex Coloring, Lower bounds, Upper bounds using greedy algorithm, interval graphs.
- 03/25 - canceled
- 03/27 - 5.1: More greedy coloring bounds, Brooks' Theorem.
- 03/29 - 5.2: Graphs with high chromatic number and low clique number, Turan's Theorem.
- 04/01 - 5.2: Connectivity of $k$-critical graphs.
- 04/03 - 6.1: Planar graphs and planar embeddings. Definition of outerplanar.
- 04/05 - 6.1: More on planarity.