MMATH 567 - Graph Theory

Instructor: Bernard Lidický
Office: 422 Carver Hall
email: lidicky -at-
Office hours: Th 1:10-2:00pm

Section: 1
Where: Carver 290
When: MWF 12:10 PM - 1:00 PM
Final exam: Moday
Textbook: Diestel Graph Theory West - Combinatorics

Lecture Log/Plan

  1. l01 - Graphs and Isomopthism.pdf
  2. l02 - Degrees and subgraphs.pdf
  3. l03 - Connectivity.pdf
  4. l04- Bipartite and Trees.pdf
  5. l05 - Eulerian.pdf
  6. l06 - Matchings.pdf
  7. l07 - Matching Tutte.pdf
  8. l08 - 2-Connectivity.pdf
  9. l09 - 3-Connectivity.pdf
  10. l10 - Mengers theorem.pdf
  11. l11 - Minimum Spanning Trees.pdf
  12. l12 - Graph Drawing in the Plane.pdf
  13. l13 - Kuratowski Theorem.pdf
  14. l14 - Graph Drawing on surfaces.pdf
  15. l15 - Coloring Planar Graphs.pdf
  16. l16 - Graph Coloring Vertices.pdf
  17. l17 - Edge Colorings.pdf
  18. l18 - List Coloring.pdf
  19. l19 - Chromatic Polynomial.pdf
  20. l20_Turan.pdf
  21. l21 - Ramsey Theory.pdf
  22. l22 - Probabilisti Method 2.pdf
  23. l22 - Probabilistic Method 1.pdf
  24. l23 - Hamilton Cycles.pdf
  25. l24 - Network Flows.pdf
  26. l25 - Spanning trees using determinants.pdf
  27. l26 - Eigenvalues.pdf
  28. Bonus - Mantel's Theorem by Felix Clemen.pdf