Derrick Stolee - Iowa State University - Research Browser

Strong Chromatic Index
Problem and Results Summary

Let $G$ be a graph. A $k$-strong-edge-coloring is a function $c : E(G) \to \{1,\dots,k\}$ where every color-class forms an induced matching. That is, two edges of the same color are not incident and do not have adjacent endpoints. Equivalently, a $k$-strong-edge-coloring is a $k$-coloring of the square of the line graph. The strong chromatic index, denoted $\chi_s(G)$, is the minimum $k$ such that a $k$-strong-edge-coloring exists for $G$.

Many people have studied the strong chromatic index of planar graphs which are subcubic (maximum degree at most three).

Theorem. (Kostochka et al. 2015+). If a graph $G$ is planar and subcubic then $\chi_s(G) \leq 9$.

Other sparsity conditions can imply stronger bounds on the strong chromatic index. For instance, if we force the girth of a planar graph to be high, then it becomes easier to color.

Theorem. (Hocquard et al. [8]). Let $G$ be a subcubic planar graph with girth $g$.

  1. If $g \geq 14$, then $\chi_s(G) \leq 6$.
  2. If $g \geq 10$, then $\chi_s(G) \leq 7$.
  3. If $g \geq 8$, then $\chi_s(G) \leq 8$.

The potentially optimal number of colors for a graph with maximum degree $\Delta$ is $2\Delta-1$. In this scenario, there is a sequence of results.

Theorem. Let $G$ be a graph with $\Delta(G) \leq d$.

  1. (Borodin and Ivanova) If $d = 3$, $G$ is planar, and $G$ has girth at least $41$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 5$.
  2. (Borodin and Ivanova; implicit) If $d = 3$, $G$ has girth at least $9$, and $\operatorname{mad}(G) < 2 + \frac{2}{23}$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 5$.
  3. (Borodin and Ivanova) If $d > 3$, $G$ is planar, and $G$ has girth at least $40\lfloor \frac{d}{2}\rfloor +1$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 2d-1$.
  4. (Borodin and Ivanova; implicit) If $d > 3$, $G$ has girth at least $8\lfloor \frac{d}{2}\rfloor + 1$, and $\operatorname{mad}(G) < 2 + \frac{2}{24\lfloor \frac{d}{2}\rfloor - 1}$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 2d-1$.
  5. (Chang, Montassier, Pêcher, Raspaud) If $d > 3$, $G$ is planar, and $G$ has girth at least $10d+46$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 2d-1$.
  6. (Chang, Montassier, Pêcher, Raspaud; implicit) If $d > 3$, $G$ has girth at least $2d+10$, and $\operatorname{mad}(G) < 2 + \frac{2}{6d+26}$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 2d-1$.
  7. (Wang and Zhao) If $d > 3$, $G$ is planar, and $G$ has girth at least $10d-4$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 2d-1$.
  8. (Wang and Zhao) If $d > 3$, $G$ has girth at least $2d-1$, and $\operatorname{mad}(G) < 2 + \frac{1}{3d-2}$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 2d-1$.
  9. (DeOrsey, Diemunsch, Ferrara, Graber, Harke, Jahanebkam, Lidický, Nelsen, Stolee, Sullivan)
    If $d = 3$, $G$ is planar, and $G$ has girth at least $30$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 5$.
  10. (DeOrsey, Diemunsch, Ferrara, Graber, Harke, Jahanebkam, Lidický, Nelsen, Stolee, Sullivan)
    If $d = 3$, $G$ has girth at least $9$, and $\operatorname{mad}(G) < 2 + \frac{1}{7}$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 5$.
  11. (DeOrsey, Diemunsch, Ferrara, Graber, Harke, Jahanebkam, Lidický, Nelsen, Stolee, Sullivan)
    If $d = 4$, $G$ is planar, and $G$ has girth at least $28$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 7$.
  12. (DeOrsey, Diemunsch, Ferrara, Graber, Harke, Jahanebkam, Lidický, Nelsen, Stolee, Sullivan)
    If $d = 4$, $G$ has girth at least $7$, and $\operatorname{mad}(G) < 2 + \frac{2}{13}$, then $\chi_s'(G) \leq 7$.

The theorems above are implied by a sparsity condition using the maximum average degree of a graph (and some forbidden subgraphs). A related result implies that the list-coloring version of strong chromatic index is bounded by five for subcubic planar graphs with girth at least 41. All results use discharging in some manner, either explicitly or implicitly.

Research Papers
Philip DeOrsey, Jennifer Diemunsch, Michael Ferrara, Nathan Graber, Stephen G. Harke, Sogol Jahanebkam, Bernard Lidický, Luke Nelsen, Derrick Stolee, Eric Sullivan, On the Strong Chromatic Index of Sparse Graphs
Web Version

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Here are some strong edge colorings that were used as base cases in the proof.


This collaboration began as part of the 2014 Rocky Mountain/Great Plains Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics, supported in part by NSF Grant #1427526. The collaboration continued at the the 2015 Rocky Mountain/Great Plains Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics, supported in part by NSF Grant #1500662. Michael Ferrara is supported in part by Simons Foundation Grant #206692. Stephen G. Hartke is supported in part by Simons Foundation Grant #316262.

Related Work
H. Hocquard, M. Montassier, A. Raspaud, and P. Valicov, On strong edge-colouring of subcubic graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 2467-2479.
A.V. Kostochka, X. Li, W. Ruksasakchai, M. Santana, T. Wang, and G. Yu, Strong chromatic index of subcubic planar multigraphs, manuscript in preparation.

Derrick Stolee - Iowa State University - Research Browser