MATH 213 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics / Basic Discrete Mathematics
Instructor: Bernard Lidický
Office: 222 Illini Hall
Phone: (217) 244-1493
email: lidicky -at-
Section: B1
Where: room 140, Henry Bld
When: 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM MWF
Final exam: 8:00–11:00 AM, Monday, May 7 2012
Office hours: 11:00 - 12:00 PM MWF + by appointment at any other time
You may also be lucky and catch me at different time.
Info from department
Plan from department
Lecture announcement
Lecture log
- HW #1 due to Feb 1, 9am
- HW #2 due to Feb 8, 9am
- HW #3 due to Feb 15, 9am
- HW #4 due to Feb 29, 9am
- HW #5 due to Mar 7, 9am
- HW #6 due to Mar 14, 9am
- HW #7 due to Apr 4, 9am
- HW #8 due to Apr 11, 9am
- HW #9 due to Apr 18, 9am
- HW #10 due to Apr 25, 9am
- If you want to drop the class, please do it also officially so others may register!
- Only registered students can get credit for the class and I do NOT take more students than the limit
- HOURLY EXAMS: are planed Feb 17, Mar 16 and Apr 27.
- Homework results are available on the department webpage under Courses and Score reports.
- In case that your score on your list and in the system do not match, please let me know so I can correct
the mistake.
- If you bring HW after deadline (max 24hrs late), you will get at most 50% of regular score (and stricter grading as a free bonus).
- Exam 1
- Up to strong induction
- Sample version
- Check homework and quizes questions. Also book is a good source of questions.
- midterm 1
- Exam 2
- Counting - Chapter 6 (means material starting after inductions and ending before probability)
- Sample version
- Check homework and quizes questions. Also book is a good source of questions.
- midterm 2
- Exam 3
- Probability, solving homogeneous relations, principle of inclusion and exclusion, Graph theory
- Sample version (includes more questions than the real, also solutions)
- Chapters to study: 7.1,7.2,7.3, 8.2 (only homogeneous recurrences), 8.5,8.6, 10.1,10.2,10.3,10.4,10.5,10.6,10.7
- midterm 3
- Final
- Covers ALL material from the course
- For pracite question see previous midterms, homeworks and exercises in the book.
Bonus rules
- You may collaborate on solving the homework. However, every student is required to write
the solution (her/him)self and give credit to collaborators (if any).
Please do not hesitate to ask questions and give suggestions how to improve the course.
The course is here for YOU!