Bernard Lidický


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ORCID 0000-0001-8612-3594
Web of Science

Hypergraph Turán Survey

Papers submitted to journals and conferences

  1. Arnbjörg Soffía Árnadóttir, Zdeněk Dvořák, Bernard Lidický, Benjamin Moore, Evelyne Smith-Roberge, Robert Šámal
    Flow-critical graphs submitted (2025) arXiv

  2. József Balogh, Anastasia Halfpap, Bernard Lidický, Cory Palmer
    Positive co-degree densities and jumps submitted (2024) arXiv program slides

  3. Bernard Lidický, Connor Mattes, Florian Pfender
    The Hypergraph Turán Densities of Tight Cycles Minus an Edge submitted (2024) arXiv program

  4. Bernard Lidický, Gwen McKinley, Florian Pfender, Steven Van Overberghe
    Small Ramsey numbers for books, wheels, and generalizations submitted (2024) arXiv program 1 program 2

  5. Anastasia Halfpap, Bernard Lidický, Tomáš Masařík
    Proper Rainbow Saturation Numbers for Cycles submitted (2024) arXiv program

  6. Michelle Delcourt, Catherine Greenhill, Mikhail Isaev, Bernard Lidický, Luke Postle
    Decomposing random regular graphs into stars submitted (2023) arXiv (early slides)

  7. Caroline Bang, Zdeněk Dvořák, Emily Heath, Bernard Lidický
    Embedded graph 3-coloring and flow submitted (2023) arXiv Talk by Zdeněk (local copy)

  8. J. Balogh, D. Bradač, B Lidický
    Weighted Turán theorems with applications to Ramsey-Turán type of problems submitted (2023) arXiv

  9. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, L. Postle
    11/4-colorability of subcubic triangle-free graphs submitted (2022) program slides arXiv

  10. D. Burke, B. Lidický, F. Pfender, M. Phillips
    Inducibility of 4-vertex tournaments submitted. (2021) program arXiv

Papers in refereed journals

  1. Igor Araujo, Bryce Frederickson, Robert A. Krueger, Bernard Lidický, Tyrrell B. McAllister, Florian Pfender, Sam Spiro, Eric Nathan Stucky
    Triangle Percolation on the Grid Accepted to Discrete and Computational Geometry (2024) doi arXiv

  2. J. Balogh, F. C. Clemen, B. Lidický
    10 Problems for Partitions of Triangle-free Graphs European Journal of Combinatorics (special issue of Eurocomb 2021), 121 (2024) paper 103841. arXiv doi program

  3. E.-K. Cho, I. Choi, B. Lidický
    Relaxation of Wegner’s Planar Graph Conjecture for maximum degree 4 Discrete Applied Mathematics 358 (2024) (2024) 254-261. doi arXiv

  4. B. Lidický, C. Mattes, F. Pfender
    $C_5$ is almost a fractalizer Journal of Graph Theory 104 (2023) 220-244. program arXiv doi

  5. J. Balogh, F. C. Clemen, B. Lidický, S. Norin, J. Volec
    The Spectrum of Triangle-free Graphs SIAM J. Discrete Math 37 (2023) 1173–1179 arXiv doi

  6. R. Kirsch, B. Lidický C. Sibley, E. Sprangel
    Shortened Universal Cycles for Permutations Discrete Applied Math, 324 (2023) 219-228. arXiv doi

  7. J. Balogh, F. C. Clemen, B. Lidický
    Solving Turán's Tetrahedron Problem for the $\ell_2$-Norm Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 106 (2022). arXiv program doi

  8. A. Grzesik, J. Lee, B. Lidický, J. Volec
    On tripartite common graphs Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 31 (2022) 907-923. program arXiv doi

  9. J. Balogh, F. C. Clemen, B. Lidický
    Maximum Number of Almost Similar Triangles in the Plane Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 105–106 (2022), 101880. program arXiv slides youtube doi

  10. J. Balogh, F. C. Clemen, B. Lidický
    Hypergraph Turán Problems in $\ell_2$-Norm Surveys in Combinatorics, 2022: Invited lectures from the 29th British Combinatorial Conference (2022) 21-63. arXiv program doi

  11. B. Lidický, T. Masařík, K. Murphy, S. Zerbib
    On Weak Flexibility in Planar Graphs Graphs and Combinatorics 38:180 (2022). program arXiv doi

  12. D. Cranston, B. Lidický, X. Liu, A. Shantanam
    Planar Turán Numbers of Cycles: A Counterexample Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2022) P3.31. arXiv doi

  13. J. Breen, S. Butler, M. Fuentes, B. Lidický, M. Philips, A. W. N. Riasanovsky, S.-Y. Song, R. R. Villagrán, C. Wiesman, X. Zhang
    Hadamard diagonalizable graphs of order at most 36 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (2022) P2.16. program and data arXiv doi

  14. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický:
    Coloring count cones of planar graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 100 (2022), 84-100. arXiv doi program slides

  15. A. Blumenthal, B. Lidický, R. Martin, S. Norin, F. Pfender, J. Volec:
    Counterexamples to a conjecture of Harris on Hall ratio, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 36 (2022), 1678-1686. arXiv doi

  16. B. Lidický, F. Pfender:
    Semidefinite Programming and Ramsey Numbers, SIAM J. Discrete Math, 35 (2021), 2328-2344. arXiv doi slides

  17. B. Lidický, K. Murphy:
    Maximizing five-cycles in Kr-free graphs European J. Combinatorics, 97 (2021), 103367. arXiv doi

  18. J. Balogh, F. Clemen, M. Lavrov, B. Lidický, F. Pfender:
    Making Kr+1-Free Graphs r-partite Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 30 (2021) 609-618. arXiv doi

  19. A. Blumenthal, B. Lidický, Y. Pehova, F. Pfender, O. Pikhurko, J. Volec:
    Sharp bounds for decomposing graphs into edges and triangles Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 30 (2021), 271-287. arXiv slides doi

  20. I. Choi, B. Lidický, F. Pfender:
    Inducibility of directed paths, Discrete Math., 343 (2020), 112015. arXiv program doi

  21. M. Dairyko, M. Ferrara, B. Lidický, R. R. Martin, F. Pfender, A. J. Uzzell
    Ore and Chvátal-type Degree Conditions for Bootstrap Percolation from Small Sets, J. of Graph Theory, 94 (2020), 252-266. arXiv doi

  22. P. Bennett, A. Dudek, B. Lidický, O. Pikhurko:
    Minimizing the number of 5-cycles in graphs with given edge-density, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 29 (2020), 44-67. arXiv doi

  23. J. Balogh, B. Lidický, G. Salazar:
    Closing in on Hill’s conjecture, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 33 (2019), 1261–1276. arXiv doi program

  24. B. Lidický, K. Messerschmidt, R. Škrekovski:
    Facial unique-maximum colorings of plane graphs with restriction on big vertices, Discrete Math. 342 (2019) 2612-2617. arXiv doi

  25. M. Bucic, B. Lidický, J. Long, A. Zsolt Wagner:
    Partition problems in high dimensional boxes, Journal of Comb. Theory A. 166 (2019) 315-336 arXiv doi

  26. M. Axenovich, J. Goldwasser, B. Lidický, R. Martin, D. Offner, J. Talbot, M. Young:
    Polychromatic Colorings on the Integers, Integers. 19 (2019) A18 arXiv

  27. D. Král', B. Lidický, T. L. Martins, Y. Pehova:
    Decomposing graphs into edges and triangles, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. 28 (2019) 465-472. arXiv doi program older long version slides

  28. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický:
    Fine structure of 4-critical triangle-free graphs I. Planar graphs with two triangles and 3-colorability of chains, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32 (2018), 1775-1805. arXiv doi slides

  29. P. DeOrsey J. Diemunsch, M. Ferrara, N. Graber, S. G. Hartke, S. Jahanbekam, B. Lidický, L. Nelsen, D. Stolee, E. Sullivan:
    On the Strong Chromatic Index of Sparse Graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 25-3 (2018) P18 arXiv pdf doi

  30. J. Goldwasser, B. Lidický, R. Martin, D. Offner, J. Talbot, M. Young:
    Polychromatic Colorings on the Hypercube, Journal of Combinatorics, 9 (2018) 631-657. arXiv

  31. B. Lidický, F. Pfender:
    Pentagons in triangle-free graphs, European J. of Combinatorics. 74 (2018), 85–89. arXiv doi program

  32. M. Kim, B. Lidický, T. Masařík, F. Pfender:
    Notes on complexity of packing coloring, Information Processing Letters 137 (2018), 6-10. arXiv doi

  33. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický:
    Fine structure of 4-critical triangle-free graphs III. General surfaces, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32 (2018), 94-105. arXiv doi slides

  34. B. Lidický, K. Messerschmidt, R. Škrekovski:
    A counterexample to a conjecture on facial unique-maximal colorings Discrete Applied Math. 237 (2018), 123-125. arXiv doi slides

  35. V. Andova, B. Lidický, B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski:
    On facial unique-maximum (edge-)coloring, Discrete Applied Math. 237 (2018), 26-32. arXiv doi slides

  36. M. Axenovich, J. Goldwasser, R. Hansesn, B. Lidický, R. Martin, D. Offner, J. Talbot, M. Young:
    Polychromatic colorings of complete graphs with respect to 1-,2-factors and Hamiltonian cycles, J. of Graph Theory 87 (2018) 660--671. arXiv doi slides

  37. I. Choi, J. Ekstein, P. Holub, B. Lidický
    3-coloring triangle-free planar graphs with a precolored 9-cycle European J. of Combinatorics 68, (2018) 38-65. arXiv doi
    conference version at IWOCA 2014. doi - IWOCA slides

  38. J. Kynčl, B. Lidický, T. Vyskočil:
    Irreversible 2-conversion set in graphs of bounded degree Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 19 (2017) arXiv journal
    doi preliminary version KAM-DIMATIA Series 933 (2009)

  39. J. Balogh, P. Hu, B. Lidický, F. Pfender, J. Volec, M. Young:
    Rainbow triangles in three-colored graphs Journal of Comb. Theory B. 126 (2017), 83-113. arXiv slides doi

  40. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, B. Mohar:
    5-choosability of graphs with crossings far apart, Journal of Comb. Theory B 123, (2017), 54–96. arXiv slides doi

  41. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, B. Mohar, L. Postle:
    5-list-coloring planar graphs with distant precolored vertices, Journal of Comb. Theory B 122 (2017), 311–352. arXiv doi

  42. B. Brimkov, J. Edmond, R. Lazar, B. Lidický, K. Messerschmidt, S. Walker
    Injective choosability of subcubic planar graphs with girth 6, Discrete Math. 340 (2017), 2538-2549. arXiv (with program) doi

  43. Z. Berikkyzy, C. Cox, M. Dairyko, K. Hogenson, M. Kumbhat, B. Lidický, K. Messerschmidt, K. Moss, K. Nowak, K. F. Palmowski, D. Stolee:
    (4,2)-choosability of planar graphs with forbidden structures, Graphs and Combinatorics, 33 (2017), 751--787. arXiv doi

  44. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický:
    Fine structure of 4-critical triangle-free graphs II. Planar triangle-free graphs with two precolored 4-cycles, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 31 (2017), 865--874. arXiv slides doi

  45. E. Gethner, L. Hogben, B. Lidický, F. Pfender, A. Ruiz, M. Young:
    Crossing numbers of complete tripartite and balanced complete multipartite graphs, J. of Graph Theory 84 (2017), 552-565 arXiv doi program

  46. F. Cicalese, B. Keszegh, B. Lidický, D. Pálvölgyi, T. Valla
    On the Tree Search Problem with Non-uniform Costs Theoretical Computer Science 647 (2016), 22–32 doi
    Also in WG 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9224 (2016), 90-102. doi arXiv slides

  47. J. Balogh, M. Delcourt, B. Lidický, C. Palmer:
    Rainbow copies of C4 in edge-colored hypercubes, Discrete Applied Math. 210 (2016), 35–37 doi

  48. J. Balogh, P. Hu, B. Lidický, F. Pfender:
    Maximum density of induced 5-cycle is achieved by an iterated blow-up of 5-cycle European J. of Combinatorics 52 (2016), 47-58 doi arXiv Ancillary files

  49. I. Choi, B. Lidický, D. Stolee:
    On Choosability with Separation of Planar Graphs with Forbidden Cycles J. of Graph Theory 81 (2016), 283-306 doi arXiv

  50. J. Balogh, P. Hu, B. Lidický, O. Pikhurko, B. Udvari, J. Volec:
    Minimum number of monotone subsequences of length 4 in permutations, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 24 (2015), 658-679 doi arXiv slides

  51. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický:
    3-coloring triangle-free planar graphs with a precolored 8-cycle, J. of Graph Theory 80 (2015), 98–111 doi arXiv slides

  52. H.A. Kierstead, B. Lidický:
    On choosability with separation of planar graphs with lists of different sizes Discrete Math. 338 (2015), 1779-1783 doi arXiv

  53. O.V. Borodin, Z. Dvořák, A.V. Kostochka, B. Lidický, M. Yancey:
    Planar 4-critical graphs with four triangles, European J. of Combinatorics 41 (2014), 138-151 doi arXiv slides

  54. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický:
    4-critical graphs on surfaces without contractible (≤4)-cycles, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 28(1) (2014), 521–552 dio arXiv slides

  55. O.V. Borodin, A.V. Kostochka, B. Lidický, M. Yancey:
    Short proofs of coloring theorems on planar graphs, European J. of Combinatorics 36 (2014), 314–321 doi arXiv slides

  56. J. Balogh, P. Hu, B. Lidický, H. Liu:
    Upper bounds on the size of 4- and 6-cycle-free subgraphs of the hypercube, European Journal of Combinatorics, 35 (2014), 75–85 doi arXiv slides

  57. B. Lidický, H. Liu, C. Palmer:
    On the Turán number of forests, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 20-2 (2013) P62 doi arXiv

  58. S. Har-Peled, B. Lidický:
    Peeling the Grid, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 27-2 (2013), 650-655 doi arXiv

  59. V. Jelínek, E. Jelínková, J. Kratochvíl, B. Lidický, M. Tesař, T. Vyskočil:
    The Planar Slope Number of Planar Partial 3-Trees of Bounded Degree, Graphs and Combinatorics 29-4 (2013), 981-1005. doi arXiv
    Also at: Graph Drawing 2009, LNCS 5849 (2010), 304-314. doi PDF slides

  60. P. Golovach, B. Lidický, B. Martin, D. Paulusma:
    Finding vertex-surjective graph homomorphisms, Acta Informatica 49 (2012) 381-394. arXiv dio
    Also at: CSR 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7353 (2012), 160-171. doi PDF

  61. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, R. Škrekovski:
    Bipartizing fullerenes, European J. of Combinatorics 33 (2012), 1286–1293. arXiv dio slides

  62. J. Fiala, P. Golovach, J. Kratochvíl, B. Lidický, D. Paulusma:
    Distance Three Labelings of Trees, Discrete Applied Math. 160 (2012), 764-779. preprint doi
    Also includes: P. Golovach, B. Lidický, D. Paulusma:
    L(2,1,1)-labeling is NP-complete for trees, LNCS 6108 (2010), 211-221. TAMC 2010 doi slides

  63. J. Ekstein, P. Holub, B. Lidický:
    Packing Chromatic Number of Distance Graphs, Discrete Applied Math. 160 (2012), 518-524. arXiv sources doi

  64. J. Fiala, M. Kaminski, B. Lidický, D. Paulusma:
    The k-in-a-path problem for claw-free graphs, Algorithmica 62 (2012), 499-519. dio
    Also in: Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science,
    LIPIcs 5 (2010), 371-382. STACS 2010 arXiv doi slides

  65. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, R. Škrekovski:
    Graphs with two crossings are 5-choosable, SIAM J. on Discrete Math. 25 (2011), 1746-1753. arXiv doi slides

  66. R. Erman, F. Havet, B. Lidický, O. Pangrác:
    5-colouring graphs with 4 crossings, SIAM J. on Discrete Math. 25 (2011), 401-422. preprint doi slides

  67. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, R. Škrekovski:
    Randic index and the diameter of a graph, European Journal of Combinatorics 32 (2011), 434-442. preprint doi

  68. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, R. Škrekovski:
    3-choosability of triangle-free planar graphs with constraint on 4-cycles, SIAM J. on Discrete Math. 24 (2010), 934-945. preprint doi slides

  69. T. Kaiser, D. Král', B. Lidický, P. Nejedlý, R. Šámal:
    Short cycle covers of graphs with minimum degree three, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 24 (2010), 330-355 arXiv doi slides

  70. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický, R. Škrekovski:
    On 3-choosability of plane graphs without 3-,7- and 8- cycles, Discrete Math. 309 (2009), 5899-5904 preprint doi slides

  71. K. Kawarabayashi, D. Král', J. Kynčl, B. Lidický:
    6-critical graphs on the Klein bottle, SIAM J. on Discrete Math. 23 (2009), 372-383, preprint, sources doi

  72. B. Lidický:
    On 3-choosability of plane graphs having no 3-, 6-, 7- and 8-cycles, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 44 (2009), 77-86, preprint slides

  73. J. Fiala, S. Klavžar, B. Lidický:
    The packing chromatic number of infinite product graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 30 (2009), 1101-1113 preprint doi slides

Papers in refereed conference proceedings only (no journal version)

  1. J. Balogh, B. Lidický, S. Norin, F. Pfender, G. Salazar, S. Spiro
    Crossing numbers of complete bipartite graph XII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2023) Procedia Computer Science 223 (2023) 78-87. doi slides

  2. J. Balogh, D. Dong, B. Lidický, N. Mani, Y. Zhao
    Nearly all $k$-SAT functions are unate 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOCS 2023) 958-962. arXiv doi slides

  3. P. Hu, B. Lidický, T. Martins, S. Norin, J. Volec
    Large multipartite subgraphs in H-free graphs" At Eurocomb 2021. Trends in Mathematics, Springer International Publishing (2021) 707-713. doi

  4. J. Balogh, F. C. Clemen, B. Lidický
    Max Cuts in Triangle-free Graphs At Eurocomb 2021. Trends in Mathematics, Springer International Publishing (2021) 509-514. arXiv doi

  5. Z. Dvořák, B. Lidický:
    Independent sets near the lower bound in bounded degree graphs, LIPIcs 66, STACS 2017. arXiv doi slides

  6. D. Nikovski, B. Lidický, W. Zhang, K. Kataoka, K. Yoshimoto:
    Markov decision processes for train run curve optimization IEEE ESARS 2012 (Electircal System for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion) doi

  7. O. Bílka, B. Lidický, M. Tesař:
    Locally injective homomorphism to the simple Weight graphs LNCS 6648 (2011), 471-482. TAMC 2011 doi slides

  8. B. Lidický, M. Tesař:
    Complexity of locally injective homomorphism to the Theta graphs, LNCS 6460 (2011), 326-336. IWOCA 2010 doi

  9. A. Maitos, F. Jordán, B. Lidický, K. Kabele, P. Strachan
    Coupling building simulation with a hardware real-time controller Simulace budov a techniky prostředí 2010, CVUT (2010), 115-120.

  10. V. Jelínek, E. Jelínková, J. Kratochvíl, B. Lidický:
    Clustered Planarity: Embedded Clustered Graphs with Two-Component Clusters, LNCS 5417 (2009), 121-132. Graph Drawing 2008 doi

Papers in conference proceedings (no journal version yet)

  1. N. Chenette, L. Postle, N. Streib, R. Thomas, C. Yerger, K. Kawarabayashi, D. Král', J. Kynčl, B. Lidický:
    Six-Critical Graphs on the Klein Bottle, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31 (2008), 235-240. Topological and Geometric Graph Theory 2008 doi

Other manuscripts

  1. D. Nikovsky, B. Lidický:
  2. F. Havet, B. Lidický:
    Splitting a tournament into two subtournaments with given minimum outdegree (2014) Some overlap with other paper
  3. B. Lidický:
    Doctoral thesis (2011)
  4. J. Ekstein, J. Fiala, P. Holub, B. Lidický:
    The packing chromatic number of the square lattice is at least 12 arXiv sources (2010)
  5. P. Kolman, B. Lidický, J.-S. Sereni:
    On Minimum Fair Odd Cycle Transversal KAM-DIMATIA Series 956 (2010)

Some slides (including all the mistkes)

Top 3 coauthors